Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Culture is Everything - Chad's Experience with us at EHP!

Me & Chad (all the way from California)

As you know I hosted an trainer all the way from the States who is travelling the WORLD visiting Strength Coaches to athletes & or clients who are athletes of life!

Well it's been 2wks since Chad Skrederstu left us where we invited him into our home to stay with us as a family & see me behind the trainer mask.

This is taken from his own blog that you can visit here Sand, Snow & Street

The big picture by Chad Skrederstu

After spending a week with Spida Hunter in Christchruch, New Zealand I still find myself processing the lessons I learned. Spida Hunta is a coach/trainer (for MMA fighters and general population), a father, a soon to be husband and an overall good guy (unless he’s ground and pounded you). Spida like many of the other veteran strength and conditioning coaches I’ve met on my trip makes complex ideas simple to understand.

So after spending a week with Spida at his house and at the East Side Barbell Club in Christchurch I came away with three major take homes:

1. It aint where you’re from it’s where you’re at (CULTURE IS EVERYTHING)

2. A good coach instills new beliefs and helps break negative ones

3. A strong tribe (group)brings out the best in it’s members

1. It aint where you’re from it’s where you’re at (CULTURE IS EVERYTHING)

I was amazed with the first session of women I saw Spida training at the Eastside Barbell at 6am on Monday morning by how strong they were. These women were dead lifting 155lbs for 8 reps super setted with 70lbs log cleans (in the video below). My first response to Spida was “damn the Kiwi women are strong dude,” and we talked about the difference in upbringing of kiwi women compared to other countries. Spida and a few of Kiwi women he coached explained to me many of the women grew up and still live on farms. As a result when something needed to be moved they moved it!

So I jumped to a conclusion that Kiwi women as a whole are stronger than women from the U.S. (I know really American of me). But……………………… I was wasn’t exactly right and it didn’t hit me until I was on a bus to Queenstown that it doesn’t matter where in the world you from it’s the culture (environment) that your in that will determine how successful you are.


  • If you look at cultures around the world they are very unique as societies but when you look at successful gym cultures around the globe ( east side barbell club, smart fitness, underground training station, College of the Canyons, Joe Defranco’s and Results fitness they share a few similarities:

Take homes

o Hard work-General public and athletes’ just blend together you can’t tell who is who everyone works hard.

o Competitive- It doesn’t matter if it’s MMA fighters or 60 year old femail they all want to out do others ( usually men) and out do themselves ( usually women)

o Simple/No Flash- It doesn’t matter if you’re in New Zealand or in Santa Clarita Ca the ideas are the same…… People push,pull,squat,sweat and do work sprinkled with some science and shit load of great coaching!

2. A good coach instills new beliefs and helps break negative ones

One of Spida’s great traits is that he is trustworthy. As a result he gets his clients to believe in him and believe in what they are working towards (like the placebo effect but with the results). Spida has this amazing ability to help clients get over their fears i.e. of lifting heavy weights, getting injured to accomplish work they had no idea was possible ( must be that Kiwi Haka he does before you do a lift). Very simple points but tough to master….

Take Home

  • If you believe it’s more likely to happen then if you don’t

  • Understand the person and basic human nature to move forward

Fiona how no idea how much she lifted

After a failed first attempt

3. A strong tribe (group)brings out the best in it’s members Spida comes from a strong Maori background and has implemented a few of these cultural ideas into his Enhancing Human Performance (EHP) training systems.

Spida trains his clients and mma fighters in small groups. I got to go through training sessions with both groups and felt the power of the tribe atmosphere when I wanted to lay down and quit.

Take homes: * A group is more motivating then training one on one (i.e. higher levels of extrinsic motivation, helps break negative beliefs and provides accountability

* Groups offer a learn by doing approach ( i.e. if 4 people are training and 3 people are doing the exercise correctly the 4th person will learn visually).


Thanks Chad for keeping it real & taking life by the balls & inviting other people's worlds into your own so you can learn through their eyes & then filter what you like (or don't) & carry on the "Art of Coaching to the Human Spirit, Body, Mind & Soul"

To learn more about Chad please visit his sites below!

Chad's Facebook

Chad's Youtube...

Chad's Website

Want to Stay Up to date with EHP Fat Loss Tips? Click the pic below to join our Face Book Tribe & Get your FREE Fat loss Video delievered to your inbox TODAY!!

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Talking RAW Strength with Craig McGuigan

Here's a talk with local Power lifter (Power Builder, you'll get this when you listen to the talk) Craig McGuigan......

He's a raw Power Lifter who can Bench Press 200kg Raw, Squat 285kg Raw..... Hope you enjoy the Strength Discussion with Craig!

You may want to download these talks as they are both long in length (who said females were the only ones that like to chitta chatta :-)

Part 1:

MP3 File

Part 2:

MP3 File

Hope you enjoy the talk on Strength and as many other aspects we talk about as much as we did, if you would like more of this stuff or fat loss, fitness, MMA then just ask, I'm here to help in any way I can!!

Thanks for listening,

P.S. Don't be afraid to share it with your friends as well, that's the cost of listening to this.....Pay it forward!!

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Monday, May 03, 2010

The Month that was....April = Madness!!

April is now GONE until 2011 & where are we in terms of goals?

I'm on track with some and others I haven't even scratched the surface! So here we are again, a short snap shot at the month that was....... APRIL = MADNESS!!

Now, I can say "madness" in a positive light however when caught up in the madness it's often hard to comprehend & make sense of!!!

Moving to EastSide Barbell Club which has been a great move like any move creates a bit of strain on the "transition" of sorting details out etc & tidying up where I was, adding to the mix a new baby, school holidays for my 7yr old plus a much busier house (3kids) takes some time to "sort" and "manage" sometimes successfully and sometimes NOT very successfully :-)

Such is life & now that we have come out the other end, I wouldn't have it any other way.....mostly :-)

So what did I achieve in the month of April?

I have a goal of a book a month and I started this goal in March where I read Cardio Strength Training by Robert Dos Remdios.

In April I read Linchpin by Seth Godin.... This is a fantastic read for someone who is looking to "break free" of the machine mentality of "another day another dollar"!

I love how he addresses Resistance or Fear and in what forms it rears it's ugly head and how we "make it ok"!! I'm a big fan of Seth Godin's work, his book Tribes was the 1st ever audio book I bought!!!

I didn't train the first 1/2 of April with school holidays and moving gyms, however I found my stride or picked up my rhythm in the last 2wks of April and managed to achieve 8 strength sessions & 5 BJJ training sessions. Actually from the 19th to 30th I didn't miss any scheduled training sessions.

I missed 5 days out of 30 for Meditation which is alot for me in a 4wk period, I normally miss 5 days of Meditation in a 6wk period! However, the big picture is I still did it 6/7 days per week!!!!

People often ask, how I find the time to Mediate for 60mins at a time...... The benefits out weigh the not doing it, sure sometimes it's "not ideal" HOW I Meditate BUT I'm making the most with what I've got!! Basically, it gives me too much NOT to do it!!

So that's a snip it of April, May promises to be more "stable" but still challenging in a way that is progression......

Here's what I am striving to achieve this month:
  1. Yoga 2-3x per week 8-12sessions
  2. BJJ 2x p/w = 8
  3. Strength 2x p/w = 8sessions
  4. Get 5 Referrals for EHP
  5. Have my mum here from Aussie for 2wks
  6. Create 3-5 Gifts/Koha for EHP Tribe members
  7. Take my lovely lady out for the night, she deserves it!
  8. Get EHPFitness.com up (I may have to explore other people to do this or get very F$#@!$ alpha cause I'm over being patient!!!!)
  9. Continue to Fail Forward by pushing boundaries of my perceived limits......
  10. Continue to support our family through TIME & LOVE!
What will you do this month? It doesn't need to be a list, it could be as simple but as big as making a phone call to say to someone you are sorry???

What ever it is, I hope you GET IT DONE, regardless of your reasons you can't!

Thanks for reading,

P.S. In month of May I'm giving away a week's training for FREE, all you have to do is have the balls to email me (spidaehp (at) gmail.com) to book it in......

Monday or Wednesday at 5:30-6:20pm!!

Will you choose to try something different to achieve your goals of fat loss & fitness or will you remain "scared" of the What if?

Kia Kaha = Be Strong (in the gym and LIFE)

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Try this Fat loss, Muscle Gaining & Strength Workout!!

When it's all said & done, the most strongest & leanest people on earth always fall back on SIMPLE exercises that yield BIG ASS RESULTS!!!

Today I want to share with you a programme that you can do in the gym for a 4wk period & get great results in your Fat loss, Increased Muscle & Strength goals.....This pic is of Shawn Phillips visit his site & LEARN!!

5x5x5 Full Body Push/Pull

Perform the following programme like this 5sets x 5reps & 5 Exercises!

Day 1: Pull
1) Hang Clean or Hang Pull
rest 60sec then repeat 4 more sets
2) Dead lift
rest 60sec then repeat 4 more sets
3) Chin Ups
rest 60sec then repeat 4 more sets
4) Good Morning
rest 60sec then repeat 4 more sets
5) Single Arm Row rest 60sec then repeat 4 more sets

Day 2: Push

1) Push Press/Split Jerk
rest 60sec then repeat 4 more sets
2) Back Squat
rest 60sec then repeat 4 more sets
3) Bench Press
rest 60sec then repeat 4 more sets
4) Step Ups
rest 60sec then repeat 4 more sets
5) Military Press
rest 60sec then repeat 4 more sets

Do the above in a alternating fashion 3x per week so week 1 you would do 2 Pulling sessions but the following week will be 2 Pushing sessions. The end result, some serious fat loss, muscle mass & Strength Gains....... That's right this kind of workout gives you all 3 for a beginner to intermediate lifter & even an advanced lifter that is looking for a "change up"!! Some things to consider to yield optimal results of fat loss, strength & muscle mass!
  • The weight needs to be heavy enough that 5reps can be completed & you maybe able to squeeze out 6reps on the early sets but 4th & 5th set.....The possibility of 6th rep is GONE :) E.g. if you can Squat 100kg for 1 reps your 5rep will be around 85-92.5kg
  • 60sec Rest is also a must.....Sure you can stretch it out to 90sec when you are having a day where you don't have the ticker to kick through but this programme ain't designed for coffee talks....GET TO WORK!
  • Abs, Bi's & Tri's......... These are far over rated for a beginner/intermediate lifter, yet 90% of people do them because we are lead to believe they are what's required for Optimal fat loss, Strength & Muscle Gaining...... Just because you see some huge dude do Bicep curls doesn't mean you need too, their foundations would not have been laid on bicep curls I PROMISE YOU!!
  • Training Partner is good for this routine they keep you honest by 1 person goes at a time, when they are done you are in banging out the next set!!
  • Other Days consider walking/jogging/Yoga as these modalities will help with soreness & allow the mind to be more passive
Have fun and let me know how it goes!!

P.S. I once did a 5sets, 5reps, 5exercises, 5days for 5wks.......Week 4
I WAS OVER IT too much volume & I was always sore!!

I think I missed 3sessions & the 4 th week was a bit of a joke as I was over it!! Here's how it looked.......

Monday = Olympic lifts

Tuesday = Upper Body Pulling

Wednesday = Squatting

Thursday = Upper Body Pushing

Friday = Posterior Chain

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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My #1 Kettlebell Resource!

Are you a Kettlebell type person? Do you know what a kettlebell is? Well, I would like to introduce you to my #1 Kettlebell Resource....

Here's 3 Reasons why you will want to take in the information they are offering & sign up to their newsletter.
  1. Jason & Pam are just cool cats, they don't bring the extra "stuff/ego" to the fitness industry!!
  2. They break down the complexity and provide simple easy to follow solutions in how to use a kettlebell!
  3. They have a world view on Kettlebells, which means they don't think KB's will cure cancer and or are every solution to your problems!

Here's how I see it , I pop on over to their site when ever they post new content to check out the video's & I watch how they do what they do to learn and share.......

I hope you will join me in some of the discussions!
Thanks for reading, have an awesome day!

P.S. You can be sure to hear more of Pam & Jason because I put them up their in knowledge & bringing a "human" element to the knowledge they know.... This to me is a must have if I'm to send you to a site!! http://www.kettlebell-athletics.com/

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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Survival of the Fittest or Die!! Really.....

Charles Poliquin commented on his Facebook fan page and I quote:
"Just finished giving lectures for Fitness First. I like their business model for personal trainers, they encourage a survival of the fittest system, instead of a corporate down the line moronic approach that many of their competitors use."

I have no idea what "corporate moronic approach" he is referring too & I'm not interested!! My issue is with the Survival of the Fittest Model!!

I once believed with all CONVICTION in this model for life, sports, work.... and it has served me well in many instances in life/sport, I can assure you!! Now as a parent, husband, son and any other labels I attach to myself I NO longer adhere to this model, but before I share with you WHY I don't belong to this model I want to share with you HOW I got this "survival of the fittest" mentality to start with. By understanding how I learnt this thinking will help you understand "why" I currently think the model NOW sucks ass & I will do all I can in my being to promote/teach a more mature version of "Survival of the Fittest"!!!

Where it all Began!!!
At a young age I taught myself "how to survive" not because it was imposed upon me from people (although some of it may have), but the big reason was due to my fathers death at age 12!!

When something traumatic happens to you at a vulnerable age (more so as a teenager trying to sort out "stuff" while hormones are playing havoc on ya!) your perception on the world changes...... I mean how are you meant to make sense of your father dying at age 12 let alone as a adult?!!

So as a result of my fathers death & trying to make sense of it through the eyes of a 12yr old, you make representations of "stuff" that can be "right" or "wrong" or just plain DISTORTED! My way of making sense of my fathers death was 2 fold;

1) I took on the "I must be the man of the house now" mentality... After a 2yr period (14yrs old) this really shaped my belief systems about the world & stuff in the world....2 yrs prior I was "playing up"!

2) From the above, I took on a belief of "if I'm to survive emotionally from my fathers death, it must be Survival of the Fittest"!! Harden up Mother F#$%^# & be a "man"....... Show no "pain" because you need to be "tough" on all levels physically, mentally, spiritually & emotionally!! BRING IT ON as I remember my 13+ inner voice would say to me on many many occasions!!

So that's "my story" of how I adopted the Survival of the Fittest belief system in my life & MAKE NO MISTAKE it has served me well AT TIMES, but and here is the biggest BUT!!

What can serve you so well can also make you WEAK!!!

Some of you may think where is the problem with this thinking if it served me so well, I mean it was my "saving grace" after all!!

The flip side to Charles preferred model of Survival of the Fittest, is that we are creating a bigger gap between people of "rich" vs "poor" or "strong" vs "weak" in the world!!

Some people (as I did) once justified this thinking with, "I choose to get off my ass and make something of myself & they don't, so F#$% them, they are "weak" and I CHOOSE to be strong!!!"

Fair argument, however do you see that this thought process extends a gap between humanity that is already getting wider and wider each year of rich vs poor or strong vs weak?!?

There's no room for COMPASSION in this thinking & this is WHAT we need more of in this world that is getting wider & divided by the day!!

At What Cost do You Stop Before You Are the Strongest?

This question is a personal thing that I would ask at times, but more often then not answered in a self serving way to "protect" me which really meant to protect my lack of emotionally stability!!

Here's my Model for a MORE MATURED Approach to Charles Poliquin's Survival of the Fittest!!!

A More Matured Approach to Survival of the Fittest:

  1. Understand the Difference between Immature Ego & Mature Ego we all have both!
    E.g. Immature Ego says "win at all costs without any respect to me or YOU!!"...
    Mature Ego asks "what is the cost of me winning & am I prepared to risk it?"

  2. Ask yourself, where does this belief come from?
    I'll admit this is a hard one to achieve because most of us, don't know we are "this way" because it's coming from the unconscious mind!! However, simply questioning yourself is a great place to start!

  3. Understand that most men come from a Immature Ego but tell us, they are here to "serve us"....
    E.g. Poliquin tells us from the statement above that he has a belief system of "win at all costs", some people may not have a issue with this, fair enough! BUT how content are you if your child, mother, sister are on the receiving end of the Strongest i.e. Weakest, would you be so "cool" with that?
    Would you "sell" them out to be the Strongest?
I'm sure there are many other ways to explore the more matured way of Survival of the Fittest & it doesn't start with big issues, check the vocab people or yourself that tells you your heading into "survival mode"...

Defining Yourself By More then Just Winning....

Here's my recommendations for expanding your mindset of what I have talked about by Men that have seen more then you or I reading this story!!

1) Measure of a Man
A Spiritual Autobiography by

2) Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman
This has to be the first book to "change" my outlook from a Warrior who was Survival of the Fittest to accepting their is a more Peaceful (Matured) Warrior Way!! Thanks Dan!!

Final Thoughts......
The world will define you by your materials BUT your kids/family will define you by LOVE & Maturing your Ego is a long life process (or so I think so) like life it's a journey NOT a destination!!

Have fun with this new way of looking at Surviving in the world, don't "cop out" of winning just explore what winning REALLY is!!

We all must go through developmental stages in this "Survival of the Fittest Mentality"... I know I have and still am transitioning my perception of how I manage and label this mindset!! In all honesty, it still is in me to be the winner at all costs & like you I need to be "checked", so make sure you have people around you to "check" you when it comes :-)

Kia Kaha = Be Strong because you need to be "strong" to stand on this Matured Approach to Survival of the Fittest!!

Spida Hunter

P.S. I don't regret adopting my early belief of "Survival" & I have NO regrets about what God had in place for me in my father dying!

You Make the Most of What You Got, PERIOD!!

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Tuesday, April 06, 2010

March = Wow that much, really?

The March Update almost didn't get done with Easter, moving gym etc.... Then it "dawned" on me, don't make an "excuse" for something that you said you would do i.e. Do monthly updates! Who bloody cares if it's late, just GET IT DONE!!!

So here we are & WOW what a month it has been!! Let's just go in order of how it went......
Detox, Fasting =



I've written about this journey every day (Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7) so no need to get into details BUT to say that it has been a experience that I'm so grateful I've DONE, and it's got nothing to do with "weight loss"!!

I'm talking from a "health" perspective on my body & my mind!! If people can let go of the "weight loss" dogma & or even the "detox" dogma they would by default open their mind up to far more then you can comprehend in "my words"!!!!

Bottom Line: I will do a "detox" again, probably in Spring because the benefits of a detox/Elimination type Diet is too powerful NOT to do!!

I'm now a Dr........

I'm now a Dr ;-) We had another baby girl on March 12th at 12:50pm and I DELIVERED her, I'm not talking just cut cord type stuff, I mean I actually delivered here into this world as I did with our 1st daughter!

If you ever want to see a "pain free" birth, my lovely lady is the one to talk too!! Ok, I'm going to change gears & be brutal honest & you can perceive it how you want too!!!!

Woman share "war stories" of giving birth to each other like men tell stories about how great they are in bed & with how many woman!!!

If you as a woman reading this & you want to go down that path of "how much pain/trauma" giving birth was & it lasted 56hrs then by all means do that!

BUT what good is that to woman-hood!! If you truly want to empower woman then change the story to something more then "pain/world war 3" type stories!!!

I have the up most respect for woman & my words are not to degrade you, I hope you can read between the words & see the bigger picture, if not I feel the knifes warming as I type :-)

Here is Lennix Maria Lilian Hunter at 3wks old!

City 2 Surf = Thanks!

I wrote about clients completing City 2 Surf here, but think it's worth saying thanks again to those that gave it a nudge!! Your awesome!!

EHP is Moving......

EHP has combined it's magical powers with a local powerlifting club called Eastside Barbell, it is awesome to be part of a greater extended tribe of like minded people!!

Clients have already commented that Eastside has a "nice feel" which means the people at Eastside are cool cats that don't think they are the shiz cause they lift 2000000kg :-) !!!

Looking forward to breaking down new boundaries with EHP & Eastside :-)

BJJ & Pan Am

I'm back doing BJJ after a 2yr lay off, man it feels great to roll around and explore opportunities in movement. I'm taking a "new approach" to BJJ, because I'm strong I consider myself to have "strong BJJ" where is, I will use my strength to get to a position, however I'm trying to "surrounder" to this and allow my technique to find a way out or use my explosiveness when it will serve me rather then every time I'm in trouble!!

I've also decided to go to the Pan Am Tournament in Melbourne (November) where I'll compete in the masters white belt division :-)

So more to come on this........Check out Groundworkz BJJ Fan page here

Conclusion of March
Wow, what a month all this in only 4wks, there is more but I think they are the "big" things for the month....

Thanks for reading have a great day/month ahead & keep failing forward whanau, it's the only way to "fail" :-)


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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I DON'T have enough time to Exercise, Spida!!!!

Tena koe (hello), I have been really busy lately so some of you would not of heard from me for a while, maybe not such a bad thing huh? Don't be a smart a.s.s! ;-)

Anyway, time is limited so I wanted to share with you a email about "time" and "workouts".....

I DON'T have enough time, Spida!! This is a common statement that has been thrown my way for years....

I've always defended "time" with some answer of commitment & dedication to your goals i.e. my answer would go something like this;

"We all have 168hrs in a 7day a week even Bill Gates! There is NO cheating this, so it comes back to what you CHOOSE to focus on in your life, if it's IMPORTANT to you then you will find the time to MAKE IT HAPPEN!!"

While I still believe this, I have just realized that I'm not "fixing the problem" by providing workouts that you can do in 15mins that will shed the body-fat from you like a cheetah sprinting for it's prey!!
There has to be a compromise on "time", "workouts" & "commitment"!! Just (as I have done for years) saying that you need to shift your perceived time issues to more commitment of time you have.

I also need to provide solutions for when time is TRULY pressed or we are after a "quicky" to give us all the rush of endorphins that make us FEEL HAPPY that we have "ticked" our workout off our list of "to do's"........

The funny thing was, when clients come to me with "time issues" or away on business & in the hotel for 3days, what to do?

I would provide them with 15min "quicky" workouts that provide ULTIMATE Strength, Fat-Loss & Cardio workouts, I mean I'm the blo.ody master at them!!

I don't say that with immature man ego, I say that with mature Jedi ego :-) ! Training fighters has given me this "special" insight of how to achieve this for fighters or the joe public!!

So to prove it, I'm going to show you on Friday NZ time at 7:15am (http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html) this is when I do my radio slot with Kiwi FM and we stream live across the world from little ol Aotearoa/New Zealand!!

So if "time" is a issue for you and you need a solution to provide you with a workout that will cover melting fat like a cheetah sprinting, or building fitness like a Maori warrior and or increasing lean body mass/muscle to burn calories well AFTER you workout then my friend you need to tune in to Kiwi FM http://kiwifm.co.nz/ProgramGuide/Wammo/tabid/75/Default.aspx

I will send another email to remind you the day before!!

Until then, Keep Kool till After Skool (kiwi humor that one)

Spida Hunter
P.S. What has given me this "enlightenment"? 10days ago, my partner and I had our newest edition to the family, baby girl called Lennix. I was the delivering Dr.....again as we had her at home and Tracey my partner is a freakin legend at birthing!!!!!!! (hence my time is extra limited at the moment)

How is Tracey a legend you may think? Have you ever seen a "pain free" birth?????? I have NOW, I've seen 2 and I was the Delivering Dr to BOTH!!!! You almost have to "see it" to believe it, it's that powerful!! Maybe one day if she let's me, I'll show you on video!!!

Kia Kaha = Be Strong

P.P.S Friday the 26th at 7:15am is when we go live on Kiwi FM (NZ Time) so make sure you join us by checking your time and date here

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City 2 Surf = Awesome Stuff Team!!

3 EHP Tribal Members completed the City 2 Surf which is a 12km run or walk on Sunday 21st March 2010!!

Thanks heaps guys for participating, was awesome to have our first EHP Adventure Team in something like this and I'm looking forward to making it bigger next year for us!!

Congratulations to

  • Chris (holding Maaia in pram) who walked/ran the 12km in just under 2hrs with a time of 1:58mins.
  • Jack her son (to her right) ran it in 75mins
  • Cam (in glasses) ran it in 58mins and with a hangover :P
  • Myself and Maaia ran it in 75mins!

Great effort team and thank you so much for being part of the first ever EHP City 2 Surf Tribal Team!!! Proud of all of you for giving it a nudge!!

Some Reflections
of City 2 Surf:

Watching the City 2 Surf participants was awesome, I mean there were people from all walks of life, which is great to see i.e. disabled people, company's, Celebrates, skinny people to really large people all "ticking" the City 2 Surf off as "done" in 2010!!!

I was pondering while running and observing all of the different cultures & people running/walking/wheel chairing (or in my case running with a pram), that in today's society of "Instant Gratification" it does NOT matter in the big picture of life WHAT you do in terms of exercise!!!

Now, I'm a person for "Optimal Training" relative to what your prepared to commit too, however if I let go of this style of coaching and look at the big picture of life......

It does NOT MATTER, if someone is doing my Fat Burning Metabolic Circuits (which I believe is the most effective and efficient way to drop fat fast while increasing strength & lean muscle) or just plain walking, which is a inefficient way to lose fat when comparing calories burned over a 36hr period!

What matters in the big picture of LIFE is that someone MOVES more then they currently do NOW..... Sure there are exceptions to this rule, however most people say they want "the best" workout but the "best" is a relative term i.e. if they currently do no workouts just 3 is a achievement, who cares what it is (in the early stages)!

So while I still believe in "optimal training", we still need to be compassionate to those that "just move", yes, they will believe that what they do is "good & ideal" however, it's better someone moves then someone who does not?!

So start moving, and in the journey of 'moving' you will find OPTIMAL TRAINING and when you are ready for optimal, I will be waiting :-)

Spida Hunter

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Friday, March 19, 2010

Client Success - Fat Loss, MMA, BMX & LIFE!!

I would like to talk about some of the success we have had at EHP with some of our EHP Tribal Clients.

Cam Steer - Victory

Won his MMA Fight at Fight Sports Night on Saturday March 13th 2010 via rear naked choke in 1st round.
Phil Looney - Bugger
Lost on the same card in a Thai fight on points decision, I've heard it was a real close fight!! Next time Phil, we'll close the deal :-)

Jay Hepi - 13kg!!
Has lost a total of 13kg since starting, we have hit a plateau at the moment however with regionals in Kapa Haka coming up, I'm sure that will be breaking through it!!

Shannon Alexander
Smashes PB
in Dead lift by 15kg

Shannon is the 4th female I've coached to dead lift 100kg, this is an awesome achievement since last year was her first year training EHP Style for BMX Strength & Conditioning!! Oh, she's only 14 & weighs 58kg!!!! I know, real cool!!!

See, females should lift heavy! :-)

Kate Alford -

Is competing in her first 109km bike race next week, so this will be interesting to hear how she goes in this journey, I'm sure she will make it look as easy as her 100kg dead lifts for reps!! :-)

New Dress

She has lost 5cm in 5wks ___________________ (the line represents 5cm) around her waist, that's 1cm a week!!

Here's how it looks for Denise in 5wks to get this awesome result with MORE TO COME!!
  • Train 4x per week = 2 Metabolic Strength & 2 Metabolic Conditioning
  • Record her Food
  • Eat According to the 9 Habits of Fat loss
  • Be Positive
  1. She has missed 3 sessions over 5wks!!
  2. Her eating is around 70% across 5wks compliant, we aim for 90%!
  3. She's honest about what she eats & not ashamed of it i.e. Positive!
  4. She's not afraid of "hard work"!
  5. We've dramatically increased her Lean Body Mass i.e. Muscle! So her weight is the same BUT her clothes are a lot looser i.e. she's getting ready for new dress size :-)
To finish, I've posted the stuff we can "measure" the stuff you can't measure as well is confidence, life performance, belief systems, mindset, attitude etc... and these things mean more to me because these "life skills" are what determine your character as a human being and the impact you will have on others!

Thanks for reading have a great day and Kia Kaha = Be Strong....... In your training and in life EHP Tribe/Whanau!

Lastly, 3 EHP Clients are also completing the City 2 Surf this Sunday. Cam, Jack, Chris & Me (running with a pram). This is the first time we have put a EHP Tribal Team in the City 2 Surf, so looking forward to more!!

Spida Hunter

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Thursday, March 18, 2010

MacDonalds & Weight Watchers are Best Mates!

MacDonald's and Weight Watchers has "teamed Up" to provide the consumer a meal that will only give them 6.5 points according to weight watchers points scheme! Read Article from NZ Hereald here

I don't blame either party, I mean they are a business & they are looking for ways to grow that business! HOWEVER, this is planting of the seed to give the perception that MacDonald's are "healthy" and the kids today will believe that in 10yrs time......

I'm not "anti" MacDonald's, I believe the consumer needs to take responsibility for there eating behaviours, however to those that don't know, this also gives them the excuse to dine and wine at MacDonald's.....

Let's face it, how often do you go to MacDonald's to get a "light meal"???

There are many examples like WW & Mac's teaming up....

E.g. I'm not Anti All Blacks but a parent/kid who doesn't know any better would believe that Powerade is the drink to "scientifically" improve performance when simple H20 would do the trick before they are dehydrated.....

Oh, the All Black Marketing team have that one covered as well and SELL us bottled water when 99% of the nation can drink water straight out of the tap!!!

At the end of the day, it comes back to YOU the consumer to add more "filters" to what you believe & perceive to be real and straight out crap!

That starts by questioning things you perceive to be true, just like a 2 yr old asks WHY 24/7 :-)

Until you question "status quo" you will fall victim to what ever comes your way i.e. that will be inches around the waist in FAT & behaviors that support it with ignorance to justify it!!

So while I don't approve of this planting of the seed, I have always believed in raising your Health & Fitness I.Q & this is why.......

Kia Kaha = Be Strong & exercise your most powerful muscle, the brain!

Spida Hunter

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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Fitness Marketing = HYPE & CRAP!!

Here's me selling you on the idea of FITNESS MAREKETING!!

Don't fall for the salesman fitness pro on the internet who is more about $$ & marketing then, actually helping you i.e. they go for masses then core groups of people!

Here's reality that isn't pretty but it is REALITY!
  • Don't buy pills for fat loss
  • Don't buy fitness toys for fat loss i.e. swissballs, KB, TRX's
  • If you don't understand the fit pro's concept, that doesn't make them clever!
What to do about your Fat Loss goals:
  1. Increase your training from what you do now i.e. 1 extra workout
  2. MAKE sure you eat 4-6 x per day and DON'T worry about what at the start!
  3. Decrease the amount you eat at each meal
There's no magic in this, it's common sense but it is a version of the TRUTH!!

Your mind will have all sorts of questions about why, what, how, when to the steps 1-2-3 and that is the REAL challenge, putting your mind talk to sleep and GETTING ON WIT IT!!

The real secret to your success is applying the above and increasing your biggest muscle between your ears!!

Now, get to it and stop falling for the BS fit pro's out there trying to manipulate your thinking to "their way" is the only way!!!

The new EHPFitness.com will be raining on the BS in the fitness world, I'm sick of the crap and manipulation/lies to the masses about fat loss, fitness etc.... So I'm going to recruit the real deal trainers & experts and have an open forum on topics like these!

Be prepared.....
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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 7 of Detox: Done & Dusted!

Today is a Summary of my learnings of "detoxing & fasting"......

My Goals for doing this 7 Day Detox;

1. Clean my system from the Inside (From time to time we need to "cleanse" our internal cells & organs, allowing our body to revitalize and rejuvenate!)

Achieved without a doubt!!!

2. Let go and become aware of patterns/habits I have (This is part of the explore the "mind talk" that comes up when I'm breaking habits and or being hungry!)

I feel as if I have a "new depth" of awareness around my own mind talk and what's it's really about & I believe I've changed my habits/thinking towards eating! Biggest feeling of accomplishment is in this department!

3. A fun Challenge! (Can I even do it? What "stuff" will come up to enable me to justify certain behaviors....)
lots come up and I did do it and oh yeah lots of stuff came up :-)

My Measurements March 3rd 2010: LOST Measurements March 11th 2010:

WT = 91.2kg 4.6kg 86.6kg
Arm Flexed = 39cm 1cm 38cm
Chest = 104cm 3cm 101cm
Waist = 91.5cm & Skinfold = 28cm 2.5cm & 6mm 89cm & Skinfold 22mm
Hips = 95.6cm & Skinfold = 25mm 3.1cm & 10mm 92.5cm & Skinfold 15cm

You could argue I've lost Lean Body Mass (LBM = muscle) I suppose it's not really an argument, but where's the problem?

The benefits I have received are well worth losing some LBM!!! Any GOOD trainer trying to add some LBM to every client because we all know, the leaner you are the more efficient you are at burning calories!

BUT, the awareness I have gained in loss of the muscle...... that my friends is the real secret to fat loss & or muscle mass!

Thanks for learning from this journey,

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Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Day 6: Detox = Change Your Picture!

So many people have their "own representations" of WHAT a Detox is... Hell, I know I did!!

Here's what Wikipedia had;
Body cleansing or detoxification is a treatment in alternative medicine which proponents claim rid the body of accumulated harmful substances that exert a negative effect on individual health.[1] Many scientists argue that such cleansings are often unnecessary, and are based on questionable or disproved scientific claims.

I believe the above is partly true!! I also believe before I started on this journey that people do detox's for the wrong reasons i.e. weight loss only! Sure, depending on what detox you do this is opportunity to make this happen!!

But, what I think people truly miss out on, is the opportunity to "change their ways" or habits. I mean what's the point of doing a detox then getting straight back into the way you WERE?!?!

This truly doesn't make sense to me......

This is why, my mindset has always been to "explore me" and give my internal system a break from the stresses we impose upon our system, it had NOTHING to do with weight loss!

I think if you are coming from a perspective of weight loss then you will be on a yoyo diet train all your life, jumping from one "secret diet" to the next AND you will hate every single one and your body will be a representation of that as well, big to small to big to small etc....

As Day 6 is done and dusted, it's real interesting this whole "detox" thing.
Detox or Fasting is a form of cleansing "internally" and a opportunity to "explore" you! If you can look at it from this perspective then you can make real life long changes!!

I'm no expert at this stuff, but what I do know is that from the perspective of "exploration of me" I have found a new depth to health, mentally, physically & spiritually!

I hope this helps shift your perspective on diets, exercise, detox and the simply fact that all of them are a JOURNEY not a destination!!

Kia Kaha = Be Strong!

Spida Hunter

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Monday, March 08, 2010

Day 5 of Detox - Being at "Peace"....

Day 5 is done & dusted......

I have to admit, I struggled in the first 1/2 of the day with some of my mind talk, I think there were a couple of reasons for this;

  1. I didn't eat my juiced dinner the night before
    I was real comfortable with not eating, I didn't feel there was a "need" to eat it!

  2. I woke up & got up at 5am (on a Sunday), in my sleep I broke my headphones!
    This annoyed me most of the morning, I do my meditation through Holosync which a CD based meditation with headphones ON!! So to have broken a $150 headset is a bit of a piss off!
There is learning in both scenario's that I've explored as well i.e. 1) Put my mind under a bit more stress just as I thought I had "got it". 2) Maybe it's time I explore both Holosync and other Meditation forms.

Regardless of the above, OVERALL I'm at peace with everything, I've mentioned this in day 3! Here's what I put on Face Book yesterday;

"Now tat Ive accepted hunger, I now GET how u can be @ peace with hunger! Who would of thought Maori boy from Putaruru would figure that Jedi shit out!"

It's the strangest feeling, I mean sure I have to check myself to not look to the future of Day 8 and "wanting" something when I'm there!
I've read lots of books about "being in the moment" (Dan Millman The way of the Peaceful Warrior, Eckart Tolle The Power of Now & A New Earth are 3 of my favorites) and I've got it through Meditation at times, however it seems to be with me throughout this Detox/Fasting Journey...... Funny, because knowing something intellectually is NEVER the same as knowing it "EXPERIENTIALLY"

E.g People have said to me, I could run a marathon if I trained for it!
I'm sure you can but knowing that you could if you wanted too, to actually DOING it is a whole different level of "knowing"!!

I will do my best to explain what I'm saying about being in the moment;
In the past I have just ate without little regards how much or what (to a point)!!

Now, I'm enjoying every gulp of my juice or every spoonful of my brown rice with raw veggies! While I'm in this state, nothing is a problem, I'm at PEACE with myself & the world!!

It's the best feeling to enjoy the simplest things!!!

Hopefully you get what I'm saying intellectually & if you have been their (really been there) then you know exactly what I mean!!

More Contemplating....

Well that's some of what I've been contemplating and become so much aware of! I'm also going to explore a greater depth of how much meat we eat in modern day society.

I mean back in the cave man days as I think it is...... I doubt very much that eating meat every night was in their diet, I'm pretty sure they would of rotated their protein sources (not consciously) but due to seasons, hunting etc......

E.g. They may of had birds 1 night and fish the next then nothing for 3 days, other then plant protein while they hunted a T Rex or something!

So from what I perceive the cave man days to be, it makes sense in modern day society we consume meat/dairy way too much?! I won't get into the organic meat argument today.

So this is why, I think it's worth exploring this! More so now that I have had no meat the last 5days and I have had greater depth of sleep, greater concentration, less flatulence and smell! (Side Note: I don't think no meat is the only reason my sleep or concentration has improved, being at peace has a greater impact then meat I believe!)
In Closing...


This is what the Detox is all about for me to EXPLORE me and my perceptions of what I thought or currently think, sure I'm down 4kg but it's not like I was obese or unhealthy prior to embarking upon this journey!

I'm so grateful to have had and taken the opportunity to "detox/fasting & explore" me, without doing this I would still believe/think the same stuff without any regard to something deeper!

Take care and have a great day!

Spida Hunter

P.S. The ULTIMATE proof of knowing someone is at "peace", is check their home life!!! And here's what my lovely lady has got to say in response to my Face book comment above;
Babe you ares doing really really well on your detox its day five and your still of sane mind!!

Fuck if it was me i would have eaten my own fucken arm by now!!... and probably try to hide it!! xoxox :-) proud of ya

She has a way with words :-)
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Sunday, March 07, 2010

Day 4 of Detox - Lizard Brain & Meat?!

Thanks to everyone who has commented on face book or the blog upon reading this Detox Journal, some great points and some real positive feedback about to quit or not!

Well it's day 4 write up so I guess I haven't quit yet!!!

I have to say, I'm real "peaceful" with my hunger, the strangest feeling (for me). I mean, if I was hungry in the past I WOULD EAT, no questions no drama no attachment to the
type of food, I would just eat!

This has served me well, I mean I don't care what I eat hence why this Detox is
"easy" to eat, sure some of it like the Wheat Grass drink takes a bit to get use too, but where people will say "I can't eat that I don't like it", for me if it's good for you, I'll eat it (mostly)! Brasoul sprouts are still crap!

Actually, since embarking on this Detox journey, my life has been "peaceful" (post 30hrs), nothing seems to bother me I just go through my day at "peace"! If something comes up in a form of perceived stress, I just deal with it without the emotional attachment. Sure, I may have 30sec of grrrr, but I can't think of a time that it has impacted me more then that!

, when you "connect the dots"!

Here's another interesting point; Protein & Meat!

I'm a protein based eater, it's how I prefer to eat and it's what I'm most comfortable doing i.e. too many carbs only play havoc on my system, where meat does not......... or so I thought!!!!!!!!!

This detox has been a
"no meat" and mostly veggies juiced, with 1 main meal of brown rice & raw veggies for lunch. I'm pretty staunch on my protein thinking I mean it has served me well relative to carbs!

But what can serve you can be your double edge sword! Without any meat in my diet over the last 4days, I've noticed things like;
  • body odour
  • sweating
  • flatulence
  • poo's
  • All smell different & a lot less of it!!

Now, this leads me to believe that too much meat/whey (or poor quality) is "blocking our system", I notice this with whey protein and this is why I prefer rice protein!

Now, I'm not saying that "meat is bad" and I'm a born again Vegetarian, BUT I am now observing meat both in terms of quality/quantity in our diet and I think this deserves some SERIOUS change in perception!!!

I don't have all the answers in this "observation" however, things people have said to me in the past about meat seem to make more sense now that I've taken meat out of the diet!

Again, I'm not saying we should remove it completely BUT it definatly should be addressed the quality and quantity we eat!!!!

Clever Mind Talk:

I say this all the time, "the smarter someone is in life and I.Q the better their justifications to defend their behavior!"

Well, F#$% me, I'm that guy!!! As painful as it is for me to admit this. I'M THAT PERSON!!

Last night, I almost threw it all away at our family dinner time AGAIN!!! I had all these justifications for it that sounded so good (to me), here's a couple;

* I'll eat fresh veggies (instead of the juiced celery, carrots, spinach etc..)

* I've achieved what I wanted, so why not?
* I'm neutral with the Detox i.e. my mind talk has stopped after 30hrs and I'm actually enjoying the limited food and REALLY enjoying my lunch of veggies and brown rice, i.e. I have NO attachment to the detox/food/habits anymore, I'm far more aware and chose with a neutral stance not to eat anything other then what is prescribed!

Sometimes, you just need to hear it straight and my lovely lady after I asked her, "do you think I'm cleverly justifying my actions of stopping for this one meal?"

"Yes, I think you are!"

Once I quietened the voice of "but but but but........", she was right I AM THAT GUY!!!

So I made my juice put 3 oranges in it (not in the plan) sat down and ate dinner with the family!

Seth Godin calls it the
Lizard Brain, I call it Mind Talk and this is MIND Talk at it's best!!!!! The part of your brain that puts up a form of "resistance" to make you believe what you are saying is true when something becomes "uncomfortable"!!!!

I'm grateful for this experience, mostly! Some of me is a bit annoyed that I was dumb enough or shall I be more truthful and say EGOTISTICAL enough to think I'm more aware then my own "mind talk/Lizard brain"!!!! The best learning's are those that you experience!!

So take home message today for me:

  1. The obsession with meat (in my life & I'll bracket all hard core meat eaters) needs to be addressed both in quality and quantity!

  2. My Mind Talk almost "owned" me with some very clever justifications

  3. I'm that guy as per above :-)

Day 5 here I come!

Thanks for following this journey feel free to post anything you want about it, I'm enjoying the comments and the read!

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