April is now GONE until 2011 & where are we in terms of goals?
I'm on track with some and others I haven't even scratched the surface! So here we are again, a short snap shot at the month that was....... APRIL = MADNESS!!
Now, I can say "madness" in a positive light however when caught up in the madness it's often hard to comprehend & make sense of!!!
Moving to EastSide Barbell Club which has been a great move like any move creates a bit of strain on the "transition" of sorting details out etc & tidying up where I was, adding to the mix a new baby, school holidays for my 7yr old plus a much busier house (3kids) takes some time to "sort" and "manage" sometimes successfully and sometimes NOT very successfully :-)
Such is life & now that we have come out the other end, I wouldn't have it any other way.....mostly :-)
So what did I achieve in the month of April?
I have a goal of a book a month and I started this goal in March where I read Cardio Strength Training by Robert Dos Remdios.
In April I read Linchpin by Seth Godin.... This is a fantastic read for someone who is looking to "break free" of the machine mentality of "another day another dollar"!
I love how he addresses Resistance or Fear and in what forms it rears it's ugly head and how we "make it ok"!! I'm a big fan of Seth Godin's work, his book Tribes was the 1st ever audio book I bought!!!
I didn't train the first 1/2 of April with school holidays and moving gyms, however I found my stride or picked up my rhythm in the last 2wks of April and managed to achieve 8 strength sessions & 5 BJJ training sessions. Actually from the 19th to 30th I didn't miss any scheduled training sessions.
I missed 5 days out of 30 for Meditation which is alot for me in a 4wk period, I normally miss 5 days of Meditation in a 6wk period! However, the big picture is I still did it 6/7 days per week!!!!
People often ask, how I find the time to Mediate for 60mins at a time...... The benefits out weigh the not doing it, sure sometimes it's "not ideal" HOW I Meditate BUT I'm making the most with what I've got!! Basically, it gives me too much NOT to do it!!
So that's a snip it of April, May promises to be more "stable" but still challenging in a way that is progression......
Here's what I am striving to achieve this month:
- Yoga 2-3x per week 8-12sessions
- BJJ 2x p/w = 8
- Strength 2x p/w = 8sessions
- Get 5 Referrals for EHP
- Have my mum here from Aussie for 2wks
- Create 3-5 Gifts/Koha for EHP Tribe members
- Take my lovely lady out for the night, she deserves it!
- Get EHPFitness.com up (I may have to explore other people to do this or get very F$#@!$ alpha cause I'm over being patient!!!!)
- Continue to Fail Forward by pushing boundaries of my perceived limits......
- Continue to support our family through TIME & LOVE!
What ever it is, I hope you GET IT DONE, regardless of your reasons you can't!
Thanks for reading,
P.S. In month of May I'm giving away a week's training for FREE, all you have to do is have the balls to email me (spidaehp (at) gmail.com) to book it in......
Monday or Wednesday at 5:30-6:20pm!!
Will you choose to try something different to achieve your goals of fat loss & fitness or will you remain "scared" of the What if?
Kia Kaha = Be Strong (in the gym and LIFE)
1 comment:
love seth godin books
Yellow Box Shoes
Jessica Simpson Shoes
Jessica Simpson Shoes
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