I've been getting lots of comments about the Detox and what I'm doing, well over the next 7 days I will reveal what I'm doing and how I'm progressing, it's a way for me to keep me honest and share with you the reader on my highs and lows of letting go of old patterns!
My reasons are very simple for doing this 7 Day Detox;
- Clean my system from the Inside (From time to time we need to "cleanse" our internal cells & organs, allowing our body to revitalize and rejuvenate!)
- Let go and become aware of patterns/habits I have (This is part of the explore the "mind talk" that comes up when I'm breaking habits and or being hungry!)
- A fun Challenge! (Can I even do it? What "stuff" will come up to enable me to justify certain behaviors....)
My Measurements are as follows;
WT = 91.2kg
Arm Flexed = 39cm
Chest = 104cm
Waist = 91.5cm & Skinfold = 28cm
hips = 95.6cm & Skinfold = 25mm
To be honest, although I am not concerned with “losing weight” I would love to get both numbers in hip/waist down in the next 7days!!!
I have also cut back on my training as this Detox is not designed for someone who is active or in my case Very Active :-), so my training for the next 7 days looks like this;
- Wednesday 3rd March 2010 = Rest
- Thursday = Yoga (may do BJJ but not sure)
- Friday = Rest
- Saturday = Run/Walk (Preparation for EHP City 2 Surf)
- Sunday = Rest
- Monday = Upper Body Weights
- Tuesday = Yoga (& may do BJJ)
Here's what my day looked like today on Day 1 of Detox:
juice out of 1 fresh lemon and fresh ginger. Fill the rest of the glass H20
Wheat Grass & to make a green drink
5:30am Breakfast
Vegetable juice= carrots, beetroot, cucumber, spinach, parsley. 1 tab 1000 mg of vitamin C & 1 tbls fish oil (I ate the spinach, parsley)
8:50am Between Break-Fast and Lunch
Green Tea (I was struggling at this time, this is when I have a big breaky normally and my mind was talking all sorts of s#$%, once I had the green tea it seemed to "stabilize" my mind talk/mood!)
12:30pm Lunch
Brown rice with a mixture of raw & steamed vegetables = broccoli, mushrooms, radishes, spring onions, ginger, 1 cup of miso soup and extra virgin olive. 1 x 1000mg of vitamin C, 1 tbls fish oil.
(Very filling surprisingly actually!)
Carrot & Apple Juice with Miso Soup (Miso soup was not in the plan but I had it anyway)
7pm Dinner
Juice of beetroot, carrot, celery, cucumber, wheat grass, pepper, spinach, 1 tab Vitamin C. (I ate the spinach and pepper.
Peppermint tea
10:10pm asleep
To sum up Day 1 in words, tiring & hungry! But it's done!!

This is a great idea Spida... I'm currently fasting for the next 19 days as well. Just another form of detox. Thanks for this great post!
I saw that on ur blog great stuff brother! Look forward to the updates!!
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