Tena koe (hello), I have been really busy lately so some of you would not of heard from me for a while, maybe not such a bad thing huh? Don't be a smart a.s.s! ;-)
I DON'T have enough time, Spida!! This is a common statement that has been thrown my way for years....
I've always defended "time" with some answer of commitment & dedication to your goals i.e. my answer would go something like this;
"We all have 168hrs in a 7day a week even Bill Gates! There is NO cheating this, so it comes back to what you CHOOSE to focus on in your life, if it's IMPORTANT to you then you will find the time to MAKE IT HAPPEN!!"
While I still believe this, I have just realized that I'm not "fixing the problem" by providing workouts that you can do in 15mins that will shed the body-fat from you like a cheetah sprinting for it's prey!!
There has to be a compromise on "time", "workouts" & "commitment"!! Just (as I have done for years) saying that you need to shift your perceived time issues to more commitment of time you have.
I also need to provide solutions for when time is TRULY pressed or we are after a "quicky" to give us all the rush of endorphins that make us FEEL HAPPY that we have "ticked" our workout off our list of "to do's"........
The funny thing was, when clients come to me with "time issues" or away on business & in the hotel for 3days, what to do?
I would provide them with 15min "quicky" workouts that provide ULTIMATE Strength, Fat-Loss & Cardio workouts, I mean I'm the blo.ody master at them!!
I don't say that with immature man ego, I say that with mature Jedi ego :-) ! Training fighters has given me this "special" insight of how to achieve this for fighters or the joe public!!
So to prove it, I'm going to show you on Friday NZ time at 7:15am (http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html) this is when I do my radio slot with Kiwi FM and we stream live across the world from little ol Aotearoa/New Zealand!!
So if "time" is a issue for you and you need a solution to provide you with a workout that will cover melting fat like a cheetah sprinting, or building fitness like a Maori warrior and or increasing lean body mass/muscle to burn calories well AFTER you workout then my friend you need to tune in to Kiwi FM http://kiwifm.co.nz/ProgramGuide/Wammo/tabid/75/Default.aspx
I will send another email to remind you the day before!!
Until then, Keep Kool till After Skool (kiwi humor that one)
Spida Hunter
P.S. What has given me this "enlightenment"? 10days ago, my partner and I had our newest edition to the family, baby girl called Lennix. I was the delivering Dr.....again as we had her at home and Tracey my partner is a freakin legend at birthing!!!!!!! (hence my time is extra limited at the moment)
How is Tracey a legend you may think? Have you ever seen a "pain free" birth?????? I have NOW, I've seen 2 and I was the Delivering Dr to BOTH!!!! You almost have to "see it" to believe it, it's that powerful!! Maybe one day if she let's me, I'll show you on video!!!
Kia Kaha = Be Strong
P.P.S Friday the 26th at 7:15am is when we go live on Kiwi FM (NZ Time) so make sure you join us by checking your time and date here

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