Discipline is one of the most (if not the most) determining factor to reaching your goals, the fitness marketing guru will have you believe it's their "secret programme" BUT I can assure you it's NOT!!!
The "secret" is showing up CONSISTENTLY and that requires DISCIPLINE to do what needs to be done in the daily grind!!!
I've set goals for the year;
- Dead lift 220kg
- Meditate 90% of the year
- 250 workouts in 2010 (Stole this number from Alwyn Cosgrove)
- Read 10-12 books, just to name a few!
- Dead lift (this has not been a focus, I just train at this stage :-)
- Meditation
Jan 2010 = 26days
Feb = 27days - 250 Workouts
Jan = 10 (started late)
Feb = 19 (All MS & PE workouts are with Fighters in preparation for March 13th Fight Night.
2 x Yoga (aiming for 1 per week in March)
4 x Metabolic Strength
6 x Power Endurance
5 x Run (In preparation for City 2 Surf 12km run 21st March & 1/2 Marathon in June) - Reading Books = 0/Nil/Nothing :-) Just started reading first book today (Cardio Strength Training by Robert dos Remedios)
Sure there is room for improvement, but I can see exactly where I need to improve to raise my "numbers" if I'm on track or if I'm off track! That's the beauty of measuring!!

Take home message of all of this, measuring what you do actually tells the story of HOW you are doing and allows you to "adjust" things to suit!
March Goal:
- 4 x Yoga (1x per week)
- 7 Day Detox
- Raise my total training #'s to 22 workouts
- Have read 1 book.
Thanks for reading,
Spida Hunter.

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