MOvember is here and I'm on a mission to raise over $2000 for Prostate Cancer Foundation!
In order for me to achieve this, I need you to make a donation by clicking on the pictures then once you have kindly donated your moolah please forward this page on to everyone else in your address book!
Spam them I don't care, like I said I'm on a mish to raise OVER $2000 and to make this happen I need your help! I can only "reach" so many people and that's what friends are for right to help?!! :-)
Remember all proceeds go to Prostate Cancer Foundation and MO's are back in fashion, well for a month anyway?!
Like my MO? Can't say I do but hey what the hell, don't judge me before you know me :-)
- Every year in New Zealand 2,656 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer and about 600 die of the disease, making prostate cancer the second largest cause of male cancer deaths, after lung cancer.
- The average life expectancy of a man in New Zealand is 4 years less than a woman.
All donations are made directly to the Prostate Cancer Foundation of New Zealand who will use the funds to create awareness, increase support networks for those men who suffer from prostate cancer, fund research and scholarship programs.
Me and most people reading this post (before you share it with your list) will be to young to "think" about prostate cancer so think of it as Paying it forward!