I have had the privilege of having my VERY FIRST sponsored athlete, Shannon Alexander! She is 14yrs old and has been training in preparation for the World BMX Champs in Australia 23-25th of July 2009!!
To say, I'm proud of her is an understatement! Here is an email her mother sent me on the 29th May 09 from her mum;
Just a quick update –
She competed in “Ability” racing which is based on ability only no gender/age.
Hi Fiona, I just thought I would drop you a line to say check out the super star below on the videos;
and here is what she did on Wednesday night which is so awesome and I’m very proud of her for “giving it a nudge”!!!
I think now is a good time for you to come and watch her kick some a.s.s. in the gym, I think you maybe surprised at her progress and “what” she can do! I will do a newsletter dedicated to her at some stage as well as she deserves it, she always does her “best” and at the END of the day that is all I ever ask of anyone who comes to train with me!!
You and Gary should be proud, regardless of the result next month, she has grown 10feet in “life” and as I said at the start, this is the MOST important thing to me!! I’m proud to have her as my first ever sponsored athlete and I will tell her next time we trains as she deserves it!
So Shannon, may you have the BEST time ever and may you ride as hard as you train at EHP & I promise you, regardless of what "number" you get at the worlds you will have #1 in your heart from KNOWING you did all you could with what you got and that is what really matters in life!
Here's some of the "numbers" she achieved through HARD WORK!

12wks training with me and in that time she has;
- Dead lift of 85kg @ 3reps from ZERO (see video)
- Back Squat 55kg @ 5reps from ZERO (I didn't push here in this one as much as Dead lift)
- Increased her Vertical Jump from just over a bench to bench plus 2 Power bags (see video)
- Increased Fitness Conditioning
- Increased Strength/Power (KB Snatch 16kg/BB Jerk 35kg @6reps)
- My Personal Favorite is CONQUERING her FEAR of jumping bench + 2 PB's!!
Shannon showed all of this BUT she still managed to rise above it and put it too rest (watch video)! We can all learn from that........
Thanks Shannon for an awesome experience to date and remember to read your little card with your goals and fears on it....I promise this little "secret" will dampen the negative thoughts we all get as humans and MORE so when you are performing on a world stage!
Anyone who has done foam rolling for the piriformis muscle will know her smile is fake here because it HURTS LIKE HELL!! :-)

To all that read this, don't be shy to leave her comments so she can read them!!

Good luck Shannon in Australia!
Hi Spida,
NICE JOB with her Spida, It is very rewarding seeing the youngsters begin to believe in themselves enough so they push themselves like Shannon did. You sounded positively encouraging with her.
Take care,
First of all: Woah! That is some good stuff on those videos. I'm very impressed. Those are some heavy weights - I am not doing much more than you! :)
You should be confident knowing that you have put in the hours and the work and you deserve to do your best.
You're stronger than ever, more explosive than ever and you jumped something you were scared to do. Sounds to me like you're ready!
I will keep an eye out for you over here in Aussie.
Good luck!
Sarah Walker
Shannon, part of me wants to wish you luck in Australia, but the larger part of me thinks that is a stupid thing to wish.
What I really want for you is that you do your best. You can only influence yourself - your heart, your desire, the effort your body will make. You cannot influence others anywhere near as directly.
Your best will always be enough. In fact, doing your best is the same as being fabulous - stunning - breathtaking.
If you do your best and you come in the top 3 places then that is just great.
But, doing your best will always beat "winning".... every time... every where. Why is that? Because doing your best is about how deep you dig and the effort you make. Winning is simply the result.
It's the difference between the journey and the process on one hand and the destination or result on the other. You are a mature girl and I am sure you get this.
By-the-way, the progress you made in the gym was so awesome and even though I have 49 year old bones you have inspired me to make that bit more effort ! ... and I plan to whip your arse in the weight lifting department so look out girl....!
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