Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Talking RAW Strength with Craig McGuigan

Here's a talk with local Power lifter (Power Builder, you'll get this when you listen to the talk) Craig McGuigan......

He's a raw Power Lifter who can Bench Press 200kg Raw, Squat 285kg Raw..... Hope you enjoy the Strength Discussion with Craig!

You may want to download these talks as they are both long in length (who said females were the only ones that like to chitta chatta :-)

Part 1:

MP3 File

Part 2:

MP3 File

Hope you enjoy the talk on Strength and as many other aspects we talk about as much as we did, if you would like more of this stuff or fat loss, fitness, MMA then just ask, I'm here to help in any way I can!!

Thanks for listening,

P.S. Don't be afraid to share it with your friends as well, that's the cost of listening to this.....Pay it forward!!

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Monday, May 03, 2010

The Month that was....April = Madness!!

April is now GONE until 2011 & where are we in terms of goals?

I'm on track with some and others I haven't even scratched the surface! So here we are again, a short snap shot at the month that was....... APRIL = MADNESS!!

Now, I can say "madness" in a positive light however when caught up in the madness it's often hard to comprehend & make sense of!!!

Moving to EastSide Barbell Club which has been a great move like any move creates a bit of strain on the "transition" of sorting details out etc & tidying up where I was, adding to the mix a new baby, school holidays for my 7yr old plus a much busier house (3kids) takes some time to "sort" and "manage" sometimes successfully and sometimes NOT very successfully :-)

Such is life & now that we have come out the other end, I wouldn't have it any other way.....mostly :-)

So what did I achieve in the month of April?

I have a goal of a book a month and I started this goal in March where I read Cardio Strength Training by Robert Dos Remdios.

In April I read Linchpin by Seth Godin.... This is a fantastic read for someone who is looking to "break free" of the machine mentality of "another day another dollar"!

I love how he addresses Resistance or Fear and in what forms it rears it's ugly head and how we "make it ok"!! I'm a big fan of Seth Godin's work, his book Tribes was the 1st ever audio book I bought!!!

I didn't train the first 1/2 of April with school holidays and moving gyms, however I found my stride or picked up my rhythm in the last 2wks of April and managed to achieve 8 strength sessions & 5 BJJ training sessions. Actually from the 19th to 30th I didn't miss any scheduled training sessions.

I missed 5 days out of 30 for Meditation which is alot for me in a 4wk period, I normally miss 5 days of Meditation in a 6wk period! However, the big picture is I still did it 6/7 days per week!!!!

People often ask, how I find the time to Mediate for 60mins at a time...... The benefits out weigh the not doing it, sure sometimes it's "not ideal" HOW I Meditate BUT I'm making the most with what I've got!! Basically, it gives me too much NOT to do it!!

So that's a snip it of April, May promises to be more "stable" but still challenging in a way that is progression......

Here's what I am striving to achieve this month:
  1. Yoga 2-3x per week 8-12sessions
  2. BJJ 2x p/w = 8
  3. Strength 2x p/w = 8sessions
  4. Get 5 Referrals for EHP
  5. Have my mum here from Aussie for 2wks
  6. Create 3-5 Gifts/Koha for EHP Tribe members
  7. Take my lovely lady out for the night, she deserves it!
  8. Get EHPFitness.com up (I may have to explore other people to do this or get very F$#@!$ alpha cause I'm over being patient!!!!)
  9. Continue to Fail Forward by pushing boundaries of my perceived limits......
  10. Continue to support our family through TIME & LOVE!
What will you do this month? It doesn't need to be a list, it could be as simple but as big as making a phone call to say to someone you are sorry???

What ever it is, I hope you GET IT DONE, regardless of your reasons you can't!

Thanks for reading,

P.S. In month of May I'm giving away a week's training for FREE, all you have to do is have the balls to email me (spidaehp (at) gmail.com) to book it in......

Monday or Wednesday at 5:30-6:20pm!!

Will you choose to try something different to achieve your goals of fat loss & fitness or will you remain "scared" of the What if?

Kia Kaha = Be Strong (in the gym and LIFE)

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