I mean personally for me you RIP those that you love or have had such a direct impact on your life through "things" they have taught you etc.....
So today I RIP my dad, Perry William Hunter who died at the young age of 37 and left behind Danny, Kylie, me and Vannessa.
While you are an asshole, (literally he was and for leaving us :-). Love you and miss you lots, thankyou for looking after all of us since you have gone, keep it up and have a drink with MJ and Patrick will ya! ;-)
To those of you that have lost your dads at a young age (literally or through them not beeing there) and you have had to figure shit out on your own, keep the faith brothers and always do your best with what you got and make sure you keep adding to your perception of what you think your "best" is!!
My defination of a Real Man is progressive, so my only advice I can give to you that works for me is;
Know where your own shit comes from! This will save you more drama then you need (i.e. kids, missus, people) and allow you to figure it out without being too attached to the outcome! I've been learning this the hard way and I still get hard lessons from it today :-)
To the mums who have had to pick up the peices either from dads walking out on you and the kids or through death. Keep the faith and thanks mum, you have had the hardest lot of shit to make sense of, out of all of us!!
Pic of my sister Kylie's kids with Maaia in the middle in Gold Coast: Alex, Maaia, William

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