If you are serious about wanting TRUE change in 2008 then I'm prepared to help you by discounting my services from $75+gst to $50+gst!
That's a saving of $25!!!
What's the catch?
like I said I'm celebrating Kayleb's 5th birthday with you so 5 people get the opportunity to celebrate with us!! However I have some "truthful" questions I think would be in your best interest to answer first!
1) Are you coach able?
You may think you are however if you are being truthful, are you prepared to "change" to attract something BETTER in your life or do you just think you do?
2) Are you prepared to invest $50+gst per session for 3months?
Training doesn't stop once you leave the session. We will create "expectations" for you to train on other days. (training programmes provided for the entire 3mths!).
Please note: I don't do 1 on 1 sessions, you will be in a small group setting of 1-4 other clients!
3) Are you prepared to "change" your eating habits?
Look I would love to say it's as easy as just exercise, hell if it was then I would be even more buffed :-) but the reality is, it's NOT! So yes this will have to change if you want to "change"!
4) Will you change your priorities in your life to suit your goal?
It's plain and simple, you may need to look at what/how you do the things you do in your life in order for you to get your goal of __________! Is it worth it to you?
We ALL must pay a price for your body and in every sense of the word "price". The question is, are you prepared to pay the "price" or let another new year roll around and go through the same.
" I would like to look like ________" rather then "I WILL look like _________!!"
24kg and only weighing 19kg! Anything is possible
if you are prepared to believe!
5) Are you prepared to "let go" and trust into me and yourself that we will get your goal?
I'll be completely honest with you, majority of people have negative belief systems and or negative self talk that they are either conscious or unconscious of! I reckon we express about 10% in verbal communication of actually what goes on in our head. Therefore the 90% that is still in your head must manifest into something, positive or negative! We will make sure it's positive :-)
The greatest athletes in the world ALL have coaches, what makes you or I any different if we want something in life we must "give to get"!
Are you prepared to "give" in order for you to GET what you want?
Email me today to make 2008 your best LOOKING year ever!
Remember 5 People ONLY will receive $25 discount!
p.s. If the commitment is more then what you would like to "give" hey that's okay with me just don't pi$$ and moan about not having what you want. If you are only prepared to train but don't care what you eat then that's OK, all you have to do is tell me HOW much you are prepared to "give" in order to "get"!